■コロナ禍における大学講義実施状況③ ~インドネシア・トルコの場合~
3回目となる今回は、インドネシア分会 Sutanto Soehodho分会長とトルコ分会 Beyza Taskin幹事長にそれぞれの国の大学の対応状況についてお話しいただいた。
Dr. Sutanto Soehodho (University of Indonesia)
Since pandemic Covid-19 has stricken the world, no exception of Indonesia, our Universitas Indonesia has asked all civitas academia to do work from home (WFH). It has been since end of February 2020, and it is lasting for almost six months already or one semester of academic calendar.
I have been doing my teaching stuffs, exams and defense for master and Ph.D. students via on-line media such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. Some advantages and disadvantages are surely felt and recognized by most of lectures due to many factors such as limitation of applications, clarity of presentations, timings and even some non-technical aspects like improper attitudes of students.
Some advantages of WFH are; students and lectures do not have to spend money and time for travelling between campus and home back and forth, timetables/schedules become more flexible, all teaching materials for presentations are easy and quick to be copied, changed and even enhanced, students are advised to enrich their knowkedge by their own through data and information electronically-available resources, on-line surveys become affordable to be conducted so more quickly and less costly, and many more. Nevertheless, some disadvantage are there as well such as; time flexibility makes discussions more longer, cumbersome and sometimes desultory, some adverse attitude of getting rid of class or meeting by audio-off or video-off, difficulties to monitor process of exams being done prudently, for lecturer it might be difficult to get real class-feel and to convey the messages to get proper responses as expected as well.
So WFH might be effective enough to avoid the spread of Covid-19 among campus commuities but it does not replace face-to-face completely. It seems we need time to get used with, and there might be some needs to improve the on-line applications to be accostomed, more importantly there have to be a change in culture, of more socially involved community, towards virtual community though it might somehow contradict the existence of human nature as social creature.
Dr. Bayza Taskin(Istanbul Technical Univeristy:ITU)
COVID-19 cases are increasing rapidly in Turkey as in Japan, after the government let people turn back to new normal after June 1. Furthermore, touristic activities and the feast holiday in September significantly affected the increment in corona cases. The primary-to-high schools will be opening on August 31, and our university (ITU) will open on October 19. However, if the cases' increment has the tendency of continuing, then I am afraid this fall term, or couple of months of this fall term might be taught again online.
We are all living in a very bad timeline. Hope this ends soon.