土木学会が協力協定を締結するタイ工学会(Engineers Institute of Thailand)および土木学会対分会の主催により、コンクリートジョイントセミナーが下記の日程で開催されますのでご案内いたします。
Joint Seminar on Damage of Concrete Structure due to Recent Big Earthquakes in Japan and Seismic Design based on JSCE Standard Specification
主催:土木学会コンクリート委員会、土木学会タイ分会、 タイ工学会
9:00-9:15:Opening speech
ThaiTCA president, Prof.Somnuk Tangtermsirikul
9:15-10:30:Mechanism of Tsunami and its damages
Prof. Norimi MIZUTANI, Nagoya University
10:45-12:00:Structural damages due to Tsunami
Prof. Kenji KOSA, Kyushu Institute of Technology
13:00-14:15:Structural damages due to earthquake
Prof. Hiroshi MUTSUYOSHI, Saitama University
14:15-15:30:Preventive and repair methods for RC structure to resist Earthquake
Prof. Hikaru NAKAMURA, Nagoya University
15:45-17:00:Current JSCE design standard for RC structure to resist seismic load
Prof. Kyuichi MARUYAMA, Nagaoka University of Technology