Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council(アジア土木学協会連合協議会)
10th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR10) (第10回アジア土木技術国際会議)
★ACECC 若手技術者グループ
American Society of Civil Engineers (米国土木学会)
Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (中国土木水利工程学会)
Engineers Australia (オーストラリア工学会)
Indonesian Society of Civil and Structural Engineers (インドネシア土木構造工学会)
Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (バングラデシュ工学会)
Institution of Engineers, Pakistan (パキスタン工学会)
Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (スリランカ技術者協会)
Institution of Civil Engineers India(インド土木技術者協会)
Korean Society of Civil Engineers (大韓土木学会)
Mongolian Association of Civil Engineers (モンゴル土木学会)
Moscow Department of the Russian Society of Civil Engineering (ロシア土木学会モスクワ支部)
Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (フィリピン土木学会)
Vietnam Federation of Civil Engineering Associations(ベトナム土木協会)
Nepal Engineering Association(ネパール技術者協会)
Federation of Myanmar Engineering Society(ミャンマー土木学会)
World Federation of Engineering Organizations(世界工学団体連盟)
The Federation of Engineering lnstitutions of Southeast Asia and the Pacific